Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Friendship with a side of SEX!

Can FRIENDS have SEX and still be friends?

Always a touchy subject, but what's more interesting are the responses to this age old question. It seems that just as soon as you find someone that says YES, it's possible, another person will pop up and say NO, it will never work.

The facts of the matter are it has worked for many, while at the very same time, never worked for just as many. The act of friends engaging our friendships into a sexually situation just for the pure act of sex - doesn't prove to be all bad by itself, but there is a 'toll to pay' that falls on our friendships. Weather that toll is positive or negative heavily depends on joint understandings agreed upon before the sex happens and the follow up actions shared between the friends afterward.

Relationship education proves to us that our relationships aren't built on weather we have sex in them or not, sex doesn't prove to be that important. Our friendships, on the other hand, are one of our 'top shelf' types of relationships. Ask any couple that has managed to stay together for over twenty years, how did they do it and you will find somewhere in their answer: because of our friendship.

As most of us have come to understand, becoming lovers isn't as hard as becoming friends. So my bigger question is: Can we loose our friendship by choosing to become sexual? If we truly are friends and mature about it, we should have the conversation before we engage in the act. It seems with women, the developing of new emotional attachments afterwards is a main issue while with men, it may be the idea of how long will it continue. For those of us who believe that it can work, it will work for them. But for those who strongly feel it won't, most likely it will go very wrong. A real friendship already includes love, attraction and passion to some degrees. So adding sex doesn't develop these emotions, it simply allows us to connect physical intimacy to our friendship. 

As an adult, you will have to decide for yourself  if you have what it takes to pull sex with a friend off. Either way, we can't deny the fact that it is possible because too many of us have done it, enjoyed it and STILL have our valued friend in our lives.


 Do you have a relationship comment or question? Visit Ask RelationshipGED on Facebook and ask!
ASK RelationshipsGED: https://www.facebook.com/groups/relationshipged/

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Why YOU keep meeting the same type of people!

 Copied from ASK RelationshipGED:

Why does it seem like I keep hooking up with the SAME type of people?

RGED: If you travel in the same places, spend time with the same people and do the same things you always have - then you will ALWAYS meet the same type of people.

Change is good and it doesn't have to be a BIG change.
Do little changes to mix things up:
Wake up 30 mins early or go to sleep 30 mins later
Get gas at a different gas station this week
Shop at a different location this week
Drive or Take a different way home or to work
Peek at different pages online that you might not normally do
Wear a different kind of outfit than normal

Notice the differences in people, places and things around you as you do. This are the little steps you can take to change all the SAME that's been going on.

Do you have a relationship comment or question? Visit Ask RelationshipGED on Facebook and ask!
ASK RelationshipsGED: https://www.facebook.com/groups/relationshipged/

LUST / Elements of Relationship

Elements Of Relationship presents "Expressions In Real Life" on LUST!
Taking a candid look at one of the simplest, but powerful elements of relationship, lust. What is it? How can we use it properly and most importantly, how can it make our relationships better. Also included: Understanding the Elements and Plain Talk

Elements Of Relationship
"Expressions In Real Life"
F. Alexander

Copyright © June/2016
ISBN: 9781310427213

Introduction / Understanding Elements

INTRODUCTION / Understanding Elements

"In this life, we all should come to a point of realizing that there are some things that are more important than others and one of these things is relationship."
F. Alexander

Hopefully most will agree that relationships can be complex and complicated, but another truth that we might not agree on is that they usually get this way because of our lack of relationship education. Relationship education is key and no matter the type of relationship, who's involved or even how long you've been within it won't change this important fact: all relationships are created by the means of bringing together a collection of relationship elements and most of us simply don't know enough about this process. Relationship elements and process? What are these elements and why haven't you heard about them, right?
Well the truth is most of us are familiar with many of the main elements of relationship, but may not be so clear on how to use them best. Then there are those elements that we don't quite understand, misuse or simple ignore because our relationship education isn't up to speed. But for now, what we need to understand is that these elements, when bound together, produce this wonderful thing we collectively call relationship. Luckily for us all, one of relationship's most fascinating gifts is to allow all to enter, although all aren't properly prepared to live within it.
Relationship education teaches us about these elements, how to use them properly, when to use them at all and why all of this is important to our relationships. Let me show you what this means by using this analogy.
Imagine taking a look into an auto mechanic's tool box. Do you notice how it's full with the many tools used to get various jobs done? Big tools, little tools, simple tools and even some of those complicated tools that we may never have seen before. Although you may not be a mechanic, you can understand that these are the mechanic's tools used to get jobs done. Each tool having a different name, different looks and of course different purposes can all work alone or as partners together. When a job needs to get done, first it’s the mechanic's vast education of various jobs that she turns to that helps her in preparing a proper plan of action. Next, she'll consult with her sound education of each tool presently in her toolbox to pick out those that can assist her in reaching her goal. From studying and training, she knows each tool, its purpose and how to use it properly during a job. Fortunately for her, if a needed tool isn't in her box, she knows how to seek it out. She can find it, get it and complete her work. Finally, she will plan a start time, setup her tools and get the job done as professionally and efficiently as she can. So the questions for you are:
Would you even consider hiring a mechanic that doesn't understand the job at hand?
What about hiring a mechanic that doesn't know which tool is best for the job?

If my guess is correct, you answered NO to both of those questions, right? Then, should we also agree that being the best mechanic for our relationships is the better choice? Within every successful relationship that’s been created to continually shower us with the elements of honesty, love, compassion and security, we will find mechanics who understanding and practice the true values found within studying relationship. Likewise, each element of relationship is a tool. Our tools should be available and ready to be used to help create and keep our relationships running on wonderful. As mechanics of our relationships, we are held responsible for studying, learning and understanding them along with the tools, or elements that we use to make them work. Our education with the proper use of our tools can be powerful when used to create and maintain our relationship's beauty.
Although it may be widely believed that our relationships are simply good ones or bad, this is not truth. Unlike ourselves, who were raised by complicated people, relationships are built. Building relationships gives us the chance of perfectly constructing them, if we so choose. Seeking relationship education is the key here! Knowing the elements of relationship, what they are, their purposes and how to use them properly will increase our opportunities of creating relationships built for success.

PLAIN TALK / From Teacher to Scholar
Now what can we say about this vicious little word called lust? First, I must agree here with most people I know. Like them, I use to only think on the word LUST in a negative manner. I remember, the word itself seemed to just invoke dirty little ideas of deceitful thoughts, actions or feelings within me. As I'm sure you know, we can easily find endless information to support these negative ideas, but is that all of what lust is?  Being a good teacher required that I take a deeper look and that's exactly what I did.
So I clearly found that unlike love, lust is about what a person is going to get, not give. This clearly means lust is centered on gaining within a situation and not focused on the give and take found in successful relationships. But what I also found is that lust has thick roots of description within religion. This is where it gets its sinful label, coupled with deceitful intentions and that single understanding that uncontrolled lust will lead us down a dark path toward death.
But then, just when I thought I was left to only understand the darkness of lust, I found a shining star. As it seems, there are those whom believe lust is great and possibly even fabulous. Now I'm not sure I would go that far to say it's fabulous, but what my research shows is the perspective which allows someone to view lust this very way. And for those of us whom study relationship, we aren't surprised in learning this because we understand there are always pro and con sides to our elements of relationship.
Understanding and getting to know lust should quickly show anyone that it's not a sophisticated element of relationship in comparison to some of its partners. But don't you dare count lust out just because its simplistic. Studying also reveals that it makes up for its lack of sophistication with its intense power to instantly amplify other elements of relationships. Like an unregulated power surge of electricity, lust infuses certain elements making them energized well pass normal levels.
Unfortunately, when our intentions during this amplification aren't positive, our reactions to the elements are also very much uncommon. This looks similar to how children react to a high intake of sugar when they eat too much candy. They might not immediately change into totally different children, but what we clearly see are impulsive reactions to the ideas that pop into their heads and their over the top emotional reactions to our attempts in trying to calm them down.
In the same fashion, lust may slowly and sometimes unexpectedly creep in and then BAM, it hits us hard! Now depending on who's the center target of our lust, there may be a chance of mutual pleasure, but this doesn't seem to be a requirement up front. Although lust can be used to describe passion towards other things outside of sex, it's definition doesn't sway much from it. So let's stick with its common definition and identify how we can use it positively in our relationships.
As simple an element as lust seems to be, its power can't be denied. If we allow, its power can be displayed as a huge unrestricted hurricane moving in random directions at will and causing unlimited destruction all along its way. While the intensity it brings on can only be compared to a uncontrollable raging fire that burns everything it touches completely to its core. Its power and intensity, these are the factors within this element of relationship that we must always direct and keep under our control.
Picking our object of focus and how we choose to react is how we first keep lust within our control. Logically we have to approve or reject a target before any actions are permitted, so here we see that choosing is essential. Once we have a target, we can then streamline our reactions toward just this one target restricting its intensity. Although lust is often considered negative, I'm beginning to believe this idea has more to do with choosing the wrong targets than about lust itself. Have you ever wondered if this negative outlook of lust will hold true when we chose an appropriate target?
Friends, lovers, spouses and even strangers can all be chosen as targets of our lust. So who's to say, which of these are appropriate targets or not? We are! Lust for a friend or a lover may turn out nice. Lust with a spouse can brighten up your life. Even lust for a stranger could turn on excitement. Just as all these target choices can have a positive benefit, they all can still backfire, crash and then burn when we act out on them. Uncontrolled lust can cloud our thoughts and have us responding in ways we've never imagined. Doing things about our lust to others and ourselves can also land us in positions we may not think of before we acted on them.
No matter what we do, each element of relationship has its place and purpose. But what does lust look like? What does it make you think? How can it make you feel? To answer these questions honestly, one would have to say that lust continues to show up within us all the same. But how we experience it will always have its differences because of how we choose to respond. Lust has no choice, but to remain the simple element with a big punch that its always been. How we experience it, control it and even hate or enjoy it, will all depend on our choice of how we wield it as individuals.
Below I would like to introduce you to what I call an 'Expression In Real Life' for lust. As the title says expression, I will give you the thoughts and feelings one might have during the height of our element of relationship called lust. I hope you will enjoy.

LUST; noun / verb
:very strong sexual desire.
:having a very strong sexual desire for someone.

I know I’m not supposed to and I know it's not right, but it seems too late for me now. My reactions to him are on auto pilot now. I thought on it and realized just now, my thoughts today are only long continuations of those that go back to the very beginning. I don’t remember the date of day one. No, I can't say which day of the week it was that day it first happened, but what I can never forget is this feeling of unexpected heat bursting from my body. Without my permission or my control, it seems to have thoughts of its own apart from my brain.
I never told myself how attractive he is for me or even thought how nice it would be to be with him, so I was amazed. Of course, he’s handsome, smart and perfect and who wouldn’t want him? But the fact remains I never once told myself that I wanted him. My body, my body, my body did. Every time, since that day I can't remember or no matter how long the time between, when he enters a room, my body jumps to remind me of how I feel. Not how I felt or remember the time! It all started that one day long ago and has been here within me ever since.
Yes I do, very much enjoy the time we spend together, doing the things that are expected of us. But I won't lie about it. Ooh how I wish and love for him to just take me. Yes, take me. Please take me, anywhere and take my body, for his own. All my imagined pleasures and happiness of him taking me have built up to the heights of a tidal wave inside of me! How nice it would be to let it all come crashing out and shower all over him ever so gently, filled with my passion. Looking at his body, naked, warm and firm between my legs makes my head shake ‘no, no’, who could be that blessed?
I watch him in a room from afar, so modest. He doesn’t know. Just his mere presence shakes my insides. Some kind of wonderful this man is in his stature. Tall, lean and clean, I need to lick all of him. My soft lips, oh my wet mouth, pleasing his lips, all down his body and maybe more.
Thoughts of him laying his body down offering it to me, tingles me all over. Feeling him beneath my hot body between my legs. Just once. As I ride him with never ending pleasure that's too much for my mind to wrap around right now. His inviting smile, glowing soft skin and the muscles truly makes my fantasy of eating him up that much more real. I’m not asking for a date or even a movie night, we can skip all that. My hands all over his body and feeling him deep inside just for a night, one beautiful night is all I ask.
Feeling and enjoying each bump against me, I'll hold on to the chair tight. His passion in grip around my waist as I’m down on all four or him pounding down on me while I’m on my back with my legs wrapped around his, either one will do. Hearing his moans of pleasure that my body bring and my moaning to feeling his desire for me in his stroke, all are parts of my incredible dream. His eyes are dreamy and I could never say no to him, but how can I ask him to rock my middle? How can I even get him to want me?

Are most important

I would like to thank you for talking the time to read my writing and I need to ask you for a favor. For those whom haven't read this writing as of yet, I ask you if you wouldn’t mind taking a few minutes to write a review for them please? Your comments can help others know what to expect when they’re looking for relationship information. Your review doesn't have to be the longest writing you've done all year, just a few words to help someone else to understand what you read about. You can simply go to the site where you downloaded this ebook from and click on comments/review. Can I count on you?
Thanks for considering doing this. It means a lot to me and many others that are looking forward to reading your comments.

Enjoying his strong passion for great relationships, F. Alexander is the creator and writer of RelationshipGED. Frequently sharing his unique perspective when responding to and teaching others on the subject of relationship, he was urged by many to focus his talents on writing. As he continues to enjoy his various long term relationships with family, friends and colleagues, his continued passion for helping others and becoming a great writer, grows every day. F. Alexander is a freelance writer, married and a proud father of five. He currently lives and writes in the Southeast of the USA.

To GET more, visit me on Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/RGED16

Reference and research:



Saturday, July 30, 2016

What's WRONG with still seeing attractive people?

 What's WRONG with still noticing attractive people?

"Oh, she's beautiful!" "That is a handsome man!"

 Finding some one's appearance attractive isn't an insult to your relationship or your mate. 
We will NEVER stop liking how looking at attractive people feels. Naturally we are designed to appreciate one another in many ways. When it comes to looks, we will find many that are attractive and this isn't wrong or a negative act against your relationship. Depending on your current relationship status and relationship education, you and your mate will determine if your responses to attraction are positive or negative. As a team, you have to decide together which responses are best and positive for the US and practice them only!

Another thing all together is being attracted to someone! This is a negative side that's about what you will DO about or with this attractive person. Don't confuse the two....it matters!

RelationshipGED! "Helping relationships get BETTER everyday!"

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

TRAIN for success!

Boxers TRAIN for months for a fight that will go no longer than 12 rounds! We are in relationships for a lifetime, but refuse to train? Let's get ourselves together people...

NO studying, NO learning = NO SUCCESS! RelationshipGED TODAY!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Are YOU Happy?

Hello. I'm F. Alexander and today I bring you the happy chart. No matter who you are or where you are in this life, I hope that you are happy.

Friday, July 22, 2016

FEAR / Elements Of Relationship

Elements Of Relationship
"Expressions In Real Life"
F. Alexander
Copyright © July / 2016
ISBN: 9781311574374
All rights reserved.

Introduction / Understanding The Elements

Understanding Elements

"In this life, we all should come to a point of realizing that there are some things that are more important than others and one of these things is relationship."
F. Alexander

Hopefully most will agree that relationships can be complex and complicated, but another truth that we might not agree on is that they usually get this way because of our lack of relationship education. Relationship education is key and no matter the type of relationship, who's involved or even how long you've been within it, neither will change this important fact: all relationships are created by the means of bringing together a collection of relationship elements. Unfortunately for us, we simply haven't been taught enough about this process. What are relationship elements and what about this process? Where are these elements and why haven't you heard about them, right?

Well the truth is most of us are familiar with many of the main elements of relationship, but may not be so clear on how to use them best. Then, there are the other elements that we don't quite understand, misuse or simple ignore because our relationship education isn't up to speed. Today we will tackle learning more about just one of these elements and with each new "Expressions In Real Life" we'll learn another. But for now, what we need to understand is that all these elements, when bound together, produce this wonderful thing we collectively call relationship. Although most may not have the clearest understanding of the elements of relationship, luckily for us all, relationship itself gives us a fascinating gift. Our gift from relationship is all are allowed to enter, even though we all aren't properly prepared to live within it.

Relationship education teaches us about these elements, how to use them properly, when to use them at all and why all of this is important to our relationships. Let me show you what this means by using this analogy:
Imagine taking a look into an auto mechanic's tool box. You should notice how it's full of the many tools a mechanic uses to get various jobs done. Big tools, little tools, simple tools and even some of those complicated tools that you may have never seen before. Although you may not be a mechanic, you can understand that these are the mechanic's tools, right? Each tool having a different name, a different look and of course different purposes, each can work alone or as a teammate with its partners. When a job needs to get done, first it’s the mechanic's vast education of various jobs that she turns to that helps her prepare a proper plan of action. Next, she'll consult with her sound education of each tool that's presently in her toolbox to pick out those that can assist her in reaching her goal. From studying and training, she knows each tool, its purpose and how to use it properly during a job. Fortunately for her, if a needed tool isn't in her box, she knows how to seek it out. She can find it, get it and complete her work. Finally, she will plan a start time, setup her tools and get the job done as professionally and efficiently as she can. So the questions for you are:

Would you even consider hiring a mechanic that doesn't understand the job at hand?
What about hiring a mechanic that doesn't know which tool is best for the job?

If my guess is correct, you answered NO to both of those questions, right? Then, should we also agree that being the best mechanic for our relationships is the better choice? Within every successful relationship that’s been created to continually shower us with the elements of honesty, love, compassion and security, we will find mechanics who understanding and practice the true values found within studying relationship. Likewise, each element of relationship is a tool. Our tools should be available and ready to be used to help create and keep our relationships running on wonderful. As mechanics of our relationships, we are held responsible for studying, learning and understanding them along with the tools, or elements that we use to make them work. Our education with the proper use of our tools can be powerful when used to create and maintain our relationship's beauty.

Although it may be widely believed that our relationships are simply good ones or bad, this is not truth. Unlike ourselves, who were raised by complicated people, relationships are built. Building relationships gives us the chance of perfectly constructing them, if we so choose. Seeking relationship education is the key here! Knowing the elements of relationship, what they are, their purposes and how to use them properly will increase our opportunities of creating relationships built for success.

PLAIN TALK / From Teacher to Scholar
Now who can honestly say that they are a stranger to relationship fear? Although this element of relationship is one of our weakest, it makes up for its lack of strength with its constant presence. The fact that fear is always lurking around and can be attached to almost every emotion we share, gives it the illusion of power. Fear has no natural power over us, but works with the power we lend it. As we learn in RelationshipGED, fear's natural design is an alerter emotion. Unfortunately, when taken out of context, fear is given it's imaginary strength to cause unjustified consequences within our relationships.

Weakness is fear's most prominent attribute. It has no power of its own to take over you or your relationships. This is proven every time anyone stands up to fear and overcomes it. As soon as we confront fear, we take back the power we lent it and it returns to its natural state of weakness immediately. But for those who lack the proper understanding of fear or how to use it, they may remain consumed with fearful thoughts or in fearful situations repeatedly.

Because fear is within all of us all the time, the availability to attach it to almost anything is maximized. The fear of animals, flying, driving, heights, swimming, falling and even to success. But fear isn't a part of relationship in any form. Likewise, we have to invite, insert or attach it for it to become a recognizable part. The fear of family, friendship, children, coworkers, church members and any other type of relationships we are a part of. Attaching fear means to bind fear to any thought or emotion we have about something or someone. How will you know if you are attaching it? If you find that each time you think on a person, place or thing, you experience fear, then most likely you have attached it to this very thing.

If we attach fear to our relationships or any element of relationship, they will surely succumb to it, become weak and fail. Fear isn't designed to create, maintain or promote any thoughts, feelings or relationships we may have. With that in mind, if we attach fear to the element of relationship we know as happiness, it will then change our happy moments into fearful ones that bring on undue stress or worrying beyond belief. Taking the time to define and understand elements of relationship like fear will teach us how to break and prevent these types of negative attachments. As RelationshipGED explains; this is why its most important that we all choose to continue our relationship education!

Falling in the same category as the element known as jealousy, fear is an alerter emotion. Fear's sole purpose is to alert us to thoughts, feelings and situations that we are having or about to become a part of. By alerting us, fear is asking us to pay attention, take in situational information and to prepare ourselves to make a decision based on the information we take in, not on fear itself. This is our most common mistakes with fear. Instead of making choices and decisions based on the situation at hand, we make them based on the fear we feel about the situation and then attach that fear to the situation. This in fact is how we all commonly misuse fear. Once we attach fear to our thoughts, feelings or situations, it will remain attached until we remove it. As you can see, although fear is weak, we give it staying power. It will not dissolve or disappear on its own. Every single time we think on the fear of a situation, we allow fear to take over. Fear must be unattached and uninvited from living in our lives and relationships in this manner.

Let me tell you a little story about the first time I rode on this amusement park ride one summer when I was young. I remember seeing commercials for the park on television all that summer. Inviting people to come to the park, ride the rides and to just enjoy themselves. But also in the commercials, they repeatedly expressed how their new roller coaster was the tallest, fastest and scariest around. At that time, I didn't have any fear of roller coasters because I never rode one before, so I wanted to do it. I was lucky, I got to go to the park that summer. I found this roller coaster and I got on. Just as the commercials had said, the heights, drops and speeding into the turns all scared me. After I got off, I felt excited, but scared at the same time. This made me quickly think about if I could ever do it again. Since then, I've made it a point to ride every roller coaster at every amusement park I go to. Yes, I was scared that first ride, but I've been made more scared by newer roller coasters over the years.  
If we think about it, the intent of a roller coaster is to amuse and scare us, right? So I knew to expect to be scared and I was, but what I never became is fearful. Just because I was scared of the speed or the heights, I didn't have to fear it, did I? My choice was no, I didn't have to fear it so I never stopped riding roller coasters and being amused by how they scare me.

Now we know there's differences between being scared, afraid and frightened, right? Although their differences are slight, these all are reaction based and need outside situations to provoke them. Very much different than fear, which we understand comes from within and we attach it to things that are outside of us.

Again, I remind you that fear is an alerter emotion. Its purpose is to alert us to what? Our thoughts, feelings, situations and even if we need to perform some kind of action. In my research, I found by far, the worst thing we can mistakenly attach fear to is the unknown. What we don't know, we shouldn't automatically fear, we should investigate. People being fearful, not afraid or scared of the unknown seems to be widely acceptable. Practicing this within our relationships isn't productive or successful and RelationshipGED teaches us that this is a negative commonly shared understanding.
Although many people believe attaching fear to various things is a normal part of life, its consequences are no less than devastating to our lives. As I have heard and seen, fear defeats people more than any other thing in the world. Attaching fear to any parts of our relationships leaves us constantly expecting worry, stress, pain and the worse, in danger. We shouldn't feel these kinds of ways about or in our relationships regularly. So the saying goes; the only thing we have to fear is fear itself! This is a very true statement as long as we can understand that its speaking on the misuse of fear. Over time, misuse of fear becomes a negative habit that only leaves us in despair and hopelessness. And the fact stands that we suffer more from our imagination of fear than we do from the realities we live in.

As we can't run from it, we can't out think it and we shouldn't ignore it, our best hope is to use it the best ways we can. have to out do it. Let it alert you as often as need be and respond to it with logical choices and decisions about the things in front of us. Revisit thoughts and feelings you presently have that you find you may have attached fear. Make the choice not to remain fearful of things, but to investigate, educate yourself and free yourself to experience more of them.

Below I would like to introduce you to what I call 'Expressions In Real Life' for fear. As the title says expression, I will give you the thoughts and feelings one might have during the height of our element of relationship called fear. I hope you will enjoy.

FEAR; noun / verb
:an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.
:be afraid of, someone or something as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.

I have to stop thinking about it, I can't focus. I know he went to see her today and maybe he’s with her right now. Both of them, laughing, smiling, joking, kissing or maybe even having sex. I hate it! Just thinking of him doing things to her, like he does to me, burns me up inside. The way he makes me feel when he touches me, ooh so nice. He makes me sick! Why did he do it? And how could he make her feel like that? What she do to deserve it? Where was she when we were going through everything?

I know he loves me and that’s why he told me about her. That’s why I’m being strong for him, because he only loves me. But what if something goes wrong? And what if she does something right? What will happen to us? Will I be left to be the fool? No, no, he wouldn’t do that to me. I’m his true love! Would he do that to me? He said he wouldn’t and I have to believe him. I love him so much and I don't want to love anyone else. He's going to come back to me. I know he is. She can’t love him like I love him in a million years. But she can love him different. What does she have that I don’t? Would he like her love better than mine? No way, not going to happen, we are made for each other. We’ve loved each other through everything, just me and him. But damn, why does he even have to spend time with her?

I’m just working myself up. He’s coming back and he’s going to love me like always. I’m not going to be left here alone again. He would never leave me here alone, he knows better. I am the one; she’s just the right now girl. He’s going to love me until he dies, but will he be with me? Am I going to be the only one he loves? He said, "I would never leave you for another." I believe him! I have to believe him, but is she the other?
This is getting out of hand. Why do I do this to myself? I need to just stop, because we’ve been through worst. We are a couple, not him and her! We have a life together, not him and her! So why she even here? She knows he's with me, why is she even here? She wants to take him from me. She sees how wonderful our life is and she wants him for herself. That selfish, backstabbing bitch! How can she do that to me? She’s the devil in disguise and I hate her. She’s nobody, a nothing! But how can that nobody take my love? He's going to walk away from me. How could he let this happen to us? He's going to pack up and run off with her, I know it. I'll be miss stupid sitting here waiting and he's not even coming back.

Oh my god, he's not coming back! I sent him to her and he's not coming back! I'm so stupid, why did I do it? Why couldn't I be what he wanted me to be? I'm not good enough for him, I let him down. But I can be better, if he just gives me another chance. Don't walk away from us, please! No, no, no, he won’t do it, he can't. Does he still want me? I think he wants her. He loves her now, I knew it! That's what I get. I'm going to be alone again!

Shoot, I have to stop! I hear him at the door, right now. Oh my, look at the time I wasted thinking he wouldn't come. I can't keep doing this. I'll never do it again, because he just did, come home to me.

Are most important

I would like to thank you for talking the time to read my writing and I need to ask you for a favor. For those whom haven't read this writing as of yet, I ask you if you wouldn’t mind taking a few minutes to write a review for them please? Your comments can help others know what to expect when they’re looking for relationship information. Your review doesn't have to be the longest writing you've done all year, just a few words to help someone else to understand what you read about. You can simply go to the site where you downloaded this ebook from and click on comments/review. Can I count on you?

Thanks for considering doing this. It means a lot to me and many others that are looking forward to reading your comments.

Enjoying his strong passion for great relationships, F. Alexander is the creator and writer of RelationshipGED. Frequently sharing his unique perspective when responding to and teaching others on the subject of relationship, he was urged by many to focus his talents on writing. As he continues to enjoy his various long term relationships with family, friends and colleagues, his continued passion for helping others and becoming a great writer, grows every day. F. Alexander is a freelance writer, married and a proud father of five. He currently lives and writes in the Southeast of the USA.